Thursday, May 8, 2008

on and on, bend after bend, nothing

There were no river bend stores, no corner convenience. We had to bring everything. Our own Manhattan sized apartment. As for the important things, we brought 3 packs of smokes and a case of beer each. That's  8 beers a piece a day. That's it! We had to ration.

By late the second day even beaches suitable for camping were in short supply. We started to worry.

We were told before hand and were reminded when asking others, beach space is slim for day two. We paddled nearly 15 miles looking for a beach worthy of two tents, our canoe, a camp kitchen, a chess set and two city punks.

Around every bend the mirage of a perfect beach disappeared. On and on, bend after beach. The sun was going down and we were anxious to find a spot to set up camp for the night. Bend after bend we saw nothing but steep muddy banks and private property signs posted.


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